Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Wonder Wiki

I must admit that the reason I was so quick to raise my hand and volunteer to be in the Wonder Woman wiki group was because I thought it might be easier than some of the other categories. Detective Comics seemed to carry a pretty large scope of material, and there are so many primary characters in X-Men that I figured it would take forever to provide information on all of them. I figured Wonder Woman, on the other hand, is only a single character, so maybe it wouldn't be too hard to grasp all of the information related to her. I was wrong.

First of all, I had no idea before working on the wiki that Wonder Woman is related to Greek mythology. Trying to remember all of the Greek Gods, immortals, and their stories was hard enough in previous classes I have taken, but having to remember them as being part of the backstory to a very complex comic book series is definitely difficult. Previously, I had no idea that Wonder Woman was an Amazon, or that a number of individuals had taken on her role, Hippolyta and Diana being the most prominent. My concept of "the super hero" up until this point (the main references for this concept being Spawn and Batman) had been that "he" was a single individual looking to do harm to villains.

Wonder Woman, on the other hand, is very different in what I believe is a positive way. She carries no weapons that would inflict harm upon her enemies. Rather, she uses "tools" such as her bullet-deflecting bracelets and lasso of truth to promote honesty, empathy, and peaceful coexistence among all people and nations- not something I expected to find in a comic, especially since violence has been so prominent in the comics and comicbook movies I have seen. Despite the fact that I am not accustomed to such material, I find it very admirable and enjoyed researching it very much.

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